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Progress bar/Meter Or Color Coded

edited November 2012 in Feature Requests
Hi, I recently created a thread regarding the PR check not working but after I let it run over night, then I seen that it was actually working but my question to @sven is, is  there a way to add some type of progress bar or meter so that when you are doing (lets say a PR Update on selected URL's) you can see what url its on?

The reason for this is that when  I highlight all the url's it turn's the whole selection of links blue and therefore I cannot tell which particular link its on at the moment. If I deselect all of the URL's while its running, it seem to stop checking..

So maybe, if you don't want to add a meter or bar due to space, you could:

  1. Allow the program to keep checking the selected URL's even if you deselect it while its running (meaning the only way it will stop checking the selected URL's is if you hit "Abort")
  2. While the links are being check, you can have the program highlight the checked URL's in orange (or any other color), that will be a clear sign that the particular url was checked and that the program is still checking. Once the program is done checking the selected URL's, the URL's could go back to its natural white color.


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