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Some questions

edited April 2014 in Need Help
1. Should i add another set of brackets at the beginning and at the end of the spinned article? 

Example: {{The subject of|The topic of|The main topic of|The main topics} {Niche|Market|Specialized niche|Area of interest|Specific niche market} {has been|may be|continues to be|have been|has become} {covered|protected|included|coated|insured} intensively {by the|through the|from the|with the|because of the} {world|globe|planet|entire world|earth} {press|push|media|click|mass media} {over the past|in the last|within the last|within the last few|during the last} {decade|10 years|ten years|several years|few years}.} 

OR should i add the normal article without the brackets at the beginning and at the end? 

Example: {The subject of|The topic of|The main topic of|The main topics} {Niche|Market|Specialized niche|Area of interest|Specific niche market} {has been|may be|continues to be|have been|has become} {covered|protected|included|coated|insured} intensively {by the|through the|from the|with the|because of the} {world|globe|planet|entire world|earth} {press|push|media|click|mass media} {over the past|in the last|within the last|within the last few|during the last} {decade|10 years|ten years|several years|few years}.

2. At the description 250 (German) and at  description 250 (Polish) if i add an article longer than 250 characters i get a red message so my question is should i always try to add an article up to 250 characters in that categories or it's fine if it's longer than 250 and should i ignore that message?

3.At search engines to use (options) should i right click/check by language/english or should i let the default engines (4)? (I'm not using premium lists)

4. Is any difference between the default email and a custom one? So should i add an email or the default will do fine?

Any other suggestions to improve youtube campaigns are welcomed


  • SvenSven

    1. just put it in and click preview...if you see it incorrectly displayed, fix it.

    2. ignore it, the program will extend or cut the description while submitting. However maybe just disable engines that use those fields.

    3. up to you. I always choose all English engines.

    4. its a big difference. Try adding none disposable emails.

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