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GSA SER slow indexing links to google!

penumbrapenumbra Antarctica
example i have 170 verified links and when i check it on google there are only 20 indexed for one day, i use contextual links and OBL 30, also i use instantlinkindexer without dripfeed + indexification, what could be a problem? And other projects facing same problem.


  • It can be the quality of your links, it may be not enough signs that the links should be indexed. Do you have a support tier of links pointing to your contextuals?
  • penumbrapenumbra Antarctica
    @Ferrymannope its just tier 1
  • You please consider adding a tier behind your contextuals (blog comments etc.) to get more power to the contextual tier, it will help a lot.
  • penumbrapenumbra Antarctica
    I will do that for each project and i hope it will bring better indexing rate.
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