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Best Indexer Out There?

I'm looking for a good indexer. So far i tested:

1) linklicious - crap
2) indexification - crap
3) incredible indexer - good for indexing but has been offline for a few days now, no replying to messages, bad business

Right now i'm looking at:
- link processor - from what i've seen in the threads here, it's fairly new and it has been offline as well for a large period of time and i saw some people complaining about getting bad indexing rates (seller responded the bad indexing rate was caused by low quality links but the thing is, those are the exact links that need indexing, as the high quality ones index themselves) - so with the service being offline constantly and the low indexing rate, not sure what to think
- instantlinkindexer - created by the same company who created indexification, i don't expect much from it and not sure i can trust this company - if you're offering a crappy service (indexification) and a potentially good one, why not pull down the crappy one? on the other hand, if you're claiming both work great (not), why do you need to have 2 identical services? so trust is one thing and the second is price, $50 for 50k links per day is way too expensive

So my question is: can you recommend me a GOOD (doesn't need to be perfect) indexing service at a decent price? $20 for 50-100k links per day is the average price and i'm cool with that, but i don't have the time and patience to test/switch indexing providers every month.
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