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How to make Importing verified list work fast

I imported my own list. it have like 40k verified list. 
But the process is slow. even i set 500 thread gsa ser won't user all thread. Only around 100-200 threads and the process is slow. 

How can i fix it. to get as much as it can in short time. 


  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    Run multiple campaigns and you'll use as many threads as your CPU allows.
  • @Brandon . My ser stop build link after few times also but there are over 30k left in left target URLs.
  • edited April 2014
    What kind of links do you have remaining @lemonzer, is it blogspots/wordpresses? If it is then they won't all fire simultaneously, hence the low thread count.
  • @Nikodim mixed with almost all platforms
  • edited April 2014
    Well there's always a reason to why the thread count is low. Try to nail down the problem like this: begin with low count, like 10 threads, and gradually add 10-30 threads and keep track of things in SER.

    Keep in mind that you do not need to stop the projects while you adding your threads
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