Captcha Breaker can not work, Why?
Hello, I have a problem with Captcha Breaker. When I run the project, I see Captcha Breaker can not perform its function. So, what's the point if I buy $ 147 but it does not work well? Please see my vidio
Sorry, if my english writing is not good. Because I am from Indonesia. I am writing this using Google translator. I hope you understand and want to help me.
Sorry, if my english writing is not good. Because I am from Indonesia. I am writing this using Google translator. I hope you understand and want to help me.
Hi Danchindia : Aku sudah melakukan perintah sesuai yang mas Danchindia tulis diatas. namun banyak situs yang terlewatkan. Dan Capthcha Breaker is not responding.
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