Low Submissions and Verifications: Campaign Review requested
Hey everyone, 
I have been using GSA for the past 3 weeks and have got mixed results. I am following the Tiered Linking Concept of Ozz to build my backlinks. Till, date the amount of submissions and verifications has been pretty low for my Tier 1,2 and 3. However, secondary links has been pretty high but verifications is low.

For my Tier 1, I have manually written an article, spun it using TBS. I followed Matthew Woodward's article on advanced spinning. I used 'Content Foundry' to generate Tier 2, Tier 3 and Secondary links to all of my tiers. The GSA is presently operating on the Solid SEO VPS - Newbie plan. Within 1-2 days of starting the campaign, the above red triangles showed up. It says no targets to post to which I find strange as there has been so low submissions.
Funny enough, all my emails are working fine and none are blacklisted. These are new emails as per Sven's advice in this thread. I also found that despite using fresh emails, most of my submission is showing as 'Awaiting Account Verification'.

Below is the settings of my Tier 1:
Data Settings: engines selected are contextual-do follow

Article Manager Settings:

Options Settings:

15/852 checked (below): I selected only UK and US.

Proxy Settings: I am using 30 private (semi-dedicated) proxies from Buy Proxies. Currently, all are working.

Email Settings: I am using 30 seperate emails for each Tier.

Settings for Submission:

Advanced Settings:

I just started using Linkexed for indexation purpose. I am still scratching my head as to what am I doing wrong...
I don't care whether this website fails or not despite my best efforts. It is important for me to know at least what went wrong so as not to repeat the mistakes made. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I have been using GSA for the past 3 weeks and have got mixed results. I am following the Tiered Linking Concept of Ozz to build my backlinks. Till, date the amount of submissions and verifications has been pretty low for my Tier 1,2 and 3. However, secondary links has been pretty high but verifications is low.

For my Tier 1, I have manually written an article, spun it using TBS. I followed Matthew Woodward's article on advanced spinning. I used 'Content Foundry' to generate Tier 2, Tier 3 and Secondary links to all of my tiers. The GSA is presently operating on the Solid SEO VPS - Newbie plan. Within 1-2 days of starting the campaign, the above red triangles showed up. It says no targets to post to which I find strange as there has been so low submissions.
Funny enough, all my emails are working fine and none are blacklisted. These are new emails as per Sven's advice in this thread. I also found that despite using fresh emails, most of my submission is showing as 'Awaiting Account Verification'.

Below is the settings of my Tier 1:
Data Settings: engines selected are contextual-do follow

Article Manager Settings:

Options Settings:

15/852 checked (below): I selected only UK and US.

Proxy Settings: I am using 30 private (semi-dedicated) proxies from Buy Proxies. Currently, all are working.

Email Settings: I am using 30 seperate emails for each Tier.

Settings for Submission:

Advanced Settings:

I just started using Linkexed for indexation purpose. I am still scratching my head as to what am I doing wrong...

I don't care whether this website fails or not despite my best efforts. It is important for me to know at least what went wrong so as not to repeat the mistakes made. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
You've selected "Use URLs linking on same verified URL" - I tested this once and it didn't work very well, filled up my target cache with crap. So maybe try removing that.
Under "Types of backlinks to create" you might want to tick "Article-wiki" as you have selected Wiki's.
On another note, you have your indexed links being sent to GSA indexer, you should choose "other indexer" if you are using Lindexed
Maybe try those settings and see how it goes.
Your reputation precedes you. I am grateful that a pro like you took time to respond to my query.
I have made the required changes. Currently, my LPM has dropped to 0.03...
Could you tell me why these red triangles keep popping up even when my articles are fresh ? If you are using Kontent Machine for Tier 2 and Tier 3 content, how frequently do you update/refresh the content ? Weekly, monthly ?
Thanks for the kind words, but really not necessary... Everybody tries to help out here, which is why this is such a great forum
With regards the red triangles, what message do you see?
With the LPM, i was just offering general advice to improve how SER works for you, but it's been maybe 5 or 6 months since i scraped with SER. So probably i am not the best person to advise you in that particular circumstance.
Of course, my advice will be to buy lists because i am a list seller. But i can tell you genuinely that using verified lists will improve your LPM and total verified/submitted stats.
Aside from the lists i offer, there are some very reputable sellers on this forum who also offer very good sitelists. @Trevor_Bandura and @donaldbeck are two that spring to mind and there are others too.
@donaldbeck also offers a video tutorial on scraping if you prefer to scrape your own URLs with Scrapebox/Gscraper etc.
SER is the best posting software available, no doubt about it. But it is not the best scraping software. So you will always get better productivity if you use tools only for what they are best at.
Hope that helps.
I agree. I am not adding a link as I have manually included contextual links in the article itself.
Hi Gooner, with regard to the red triangles, I see the following message:
No targets to post to (maybe blocked by search engines, no url extraction chosen, no scheduled posting).
I don't know why this is the case. In the Options tab, search engines to use, I have selected country wise: UK and USA Only (total 15). I have put 800 keywords in the Data tab at the 'Keywords'.
There is another thing I have to mention. The niche I am targeting is a small one. I used Content Foundry to scrape for content but it was not that big as I would get if I scraped for e.g. weight loss.
What could be further done to improve the results ?
A few questions...sorry if it sounds basic...
Do I need to uncheck "Use URLs from global site lists here" ?
Not totally sure why, but i guess the more KWs you have, the lower the chances of SER randomly picking one you've used already.
I will be happy if you point out if I am doing anything wrong or not.
Did I get it right till here ?
"...I then have the 100,000 keywords split into 4,000 files with 250 keywords each...."
How can I do that? Sounds interesting....Can GScraper/Scrapebox be used to accomplish this ?