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'No targets to post to' AND 'Could not find a new article, add some new!"

No targets to post to (maybe blocked by search engines, no scheduled posting)
I load up 100k to 800k keywords, and select all search engine. 
IT still can give me this, something must be wrong. Plus i didnt set any PR requirement. 

Could not find a new article, add some new!
I have added 1 more article in the article manager tabs, after this message appear once. 
Now after adding it still appear this notice. I not sure what is happening.

What is the best way to get more link to build on GSA?
Should i buy a list from someone?
Can anyone guide me. THanks 


  • I am using GSA to build only tier 2 and tier 3.
    If anyone can guide step by step how to increase to LPM to like 50?

    I select all engine, no min PR/OBL, i still get like the most 2.8k Verfied link after running it for 3 monhts. LOL 
  • No targets to post to....
    This is probably because you're scraping on a lot of engines that will never give you results and therefore you're going through your cache before SER can find new urls to post to.

    Could not find a new...
    Adjust the option "Do not submit samt article more than x" in article manager to your needs. Because you're still seeing it after adding a new article, is probably because SER randomly chooses an article and it randomly landed on the one which your settings didn't allow to be used for that specific website.

    More LPM
    It's an useless number, you should only care about vpm. But if you insist on increasing lpm then start scraping like a maniac.
  • For me I leave "Do not submit same article more than [x]" unchecked :)
  • Its good to have "Do not submit same article more than [x]" checked, to make sure your content is unique at least to some extent. You should keep adding new articles when you get the error message.

    You will see the error message even after you add new article, you need to "right click-> clear message".
  • Do not submit same article more than [x]" unchecked 

    This is really useful, i am using WAC to generate spinned article . Hence one article in my row has many variation in it. 

    How can i clear cache
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