Thanks, when do you think this will be done? I've already asked my VAs to do the writing in a way that can use your program (if it works 100%). So my article submission depends on this software working
The new version is better. However, there are still some stuff that may cause problems.
For example, my VA accidentally put a space after #KP# (not in a different line but at the end of the same line of #KP#) The result of that is that it caused a bit of problems. I think the program didn't recognize it was #KP# because it had a space and so #KP# was included in the spintax itself. Just a note there. Of course if people use it as it should be used, that wouldn't be a problem, but sometimes people do stuff like leaving blank spaces, etc.
Also, after spinning, it seems to leave a space at the end of the lien after the spintax for each paragraph. Not sure why.
@jonathanjohn - Thanks for the feedback. Having conducted some extensive spin tests in the new verision the randomisation is now at a whole new level. Appreciate your comments regarding the spaces - I will get that sorted in the upcoming version.
We have some exciting updates coming over the next few weeks.
1. The first is a rather cool title generator which will enable you to save a whole long list of ON TOPIC titles for your spun articles in spin tax format. These will be based upon your keyword entered.
2. A new tool called the 'Natural Link Wizard" - have a think about that one and the post Penguin climate....
Both updates will be included within the HBS at no extra charge so think about getting your copy now before we look to raise the price of this amazing app in the new year! -
I have kicked off the new year with a rather cool new service which enters a whole new era of article spinning - I won't go into detail here but read this to learn how this is going to be a game changer!
@takeachance - I have this on my todo list to check out. Just trying to get on top of a few bugs on my sites.
Had an idea I wanted to test out. If you import a list of keywords, can it use a tool (like wordtracker, or similar) to see what are the top asked questions for this keyword. THEN it takes those questions and spins them into titles??? Would be super useful and a game changer...
@takeachance - You really need to market your spun articles on other forums where they have services for sale sections. People would gobble that up in a minute. PM if you need to and I'll direct you.
I bought one of @takeachance's articles and they are awesome quality, just so you guys know. He knows how to spin
@johndee - I am afraid the Hyrbid Spinner had to be retired to my own personal use. The Article Maxi service was spawned from HBS since I use this tool to create these highest quality super spun articles. Currently the weight loss and dating niches are covered but I am looking to increase these into;
1. Home Security
2. Acupuncture
3. Music
Please let me know if there are other niches you desperately need high quality Super Spun content.
@takeachance, do you really think you're going to make more money by offering a service vs selling a product?
I would gladly give my money for something that helps with creating quality manual spins. The other reason why I don't want to buy/order an article is because I'll out my niche and then my competition could just buy the same thing and what's the point then?
@johndee the decision to pull HBS was not one I favoured but instead one I was forced to adopt.
In regards your question about purchasing will 'out' your niche I don't understand. All Article Maxi super spun content is around 90-98% unique and perfectly readable. For this reason, each output is unique and no footprints are detectable so I can't see how this will compromise your MS. Unless I misunderstand your question?
I'm not talking about the articles per-say but the theme/niche. Afaik, what you have right now is broad niches. If I were to tell you that I need content on micro niche X and you were to write an article on that, the competitors in the same niche could easily buy the same stuff to supplement their SEO, and who's to say that it wouldn't bring in new ones?
Right....well in all honesty I wouldn't compile one of my super spun documents based 'tightly' around a sub niche. The broad niche would be fine to accomodate the content needs most would require. What I mean by that is if your sub niche is "waterproof paint" then a super spun article around "paint" or "decorating" would accomodate your niche - in this way nobodys specific niche is going to be outted. I don't expect people to list down there requirements in this thread - thats what the PM system is for oh, and thanks by the way
@takechanceThanks for your post. I know this thread is 1 year old but do you know how to get hybridspinner ? or is there any similar sw ? Thanks for your help
The new version is better. However, there are still some stuff that may cause problems.
For example, my VA accidentally put a space after #KP# (not in a different line but at the end of the same line of #KP#)
The result of that is that it caused a bit of problems. I think the program didn't recognize it was #KP# because it had a space and so #KP# was included in the spintax itself. Just a note there. Of course if people use it as it should be used, that wouldn't be a problem, but sometimes people do stuff like leaving blank spaces, etc.
Also, after spinning, it seems to leave a space at the end of the lien after the spintax for each paragraph. Not sure why.
This is the first sentence.This is the second sentence.This is the third sentence.
That is, there's no space between the full stop and the first letter of the next sentence.
1. The first is a rather cool title generator which will enable you to save a whole long list of ON TOPIC titles for your spun articles in spin tax format. These will be based upon your keyword entered.
2. A new tool called the 'Natural Link Wizard" - have a think about that one and the post Penguin climate....
Both updates will be included within the HBS at no extra charge so think about getting your copy now before we look to raise the price of this amazing app in the new year! -
I have kicked off the new year with a rather cool new service which enters a whole new era of article spinning - I won't go into detail here but read this to learn how this is going to be a game changer!
@takeachance - You really need to market your spun articles on other forums where they have services for sale sections. People would gobble that up in a minute. PM if you need to and I'll direct you.
I bought one of @takeachance's articles and they are awesome quality, just so you guys know. He knows how to spin
In regards your question about purchasing will 'out' your niche I don't understand. All Article Maxi super spun content is around 90-98% unique and perfectly readable. For this reason, each output is unique and no footprints are detectable so I can't see how this will compromise your MS. Unless I misunderstand your question?
documents based 'tightly' around a sub niche. The broad niche would be
fine to accomodate the content needs most would require. What I mean by
that is if your sub niche is "waterproof paint" then a super spun
article around "paint" or "decorating" would accomodate your niche - in
this way nobodys specific niche is going to be outted. I don't expect
people to list down there requirements in this thread - thats what the
PM system is for