How to export the article from GSA SER
I know how to import the article into GSA SER,
But How to export the article from GSA SER?
e.g follow articles i want export out, how to do next?

I know how to import the article into GSA SER,
But How to export the article from GSA SER?
e.g follow articles i want export out, how to do next?

I thought the .TXT file data will be best.
I think just title and body will be enought,
But if have summary also ok.
Do you consider add this new feature on next version?
I just upgraded SER to 8.19,
ANd I believe, this new feature Export have little issue.
Becaue i have 800 articles in my project,
When i selected all articles and Click Export button, Only have export 62 articles.
(I also have try didn't select anything, Just Click Export button also Export 62 articles )
This is first issue.
The Second.
I recommand this new feature should be have this two drop-down menu( "Export Select" and "Export All" ) when Click the Export button will be more better.
1. export is with title as filename so if you have duplicate titles, you just get some overwritten.
2. you get asked to export selected if you have selected some.