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Direct import harvested urls

If I direct import the harvested urls (No identify) into a project and I've only wiki & SN ticked inside the project, how is SER gonna process the target urls? I read somewhere that SER will try to submit all urls using the ticked platform only, is it correct?

In my example above will each link go through 2 platforms before they are marked as failed?


  • SvenSven
    it will mark add a message "no engine matches" for URL not being part of the ticked engines . It will not add them to the failed site lists as well. It will simply skip them.
  • Then where are these urls stored? I mean how can I clean it when SER run through all the list (No left target urls)? Or they get removed by SER automatically?
  • SvenSven
    If no engine matches they are lost. They are not saved anywhere.
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