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How long before I notice increase in rank?



  • goonergooner
    edited April 2014
    @lisaser - The best thing to do is leave it alone and test on domains that you don't care about.
    You can't learn SEO in a few days, it takes a lot of experience to get it right.
    No one can you tell you exactly what you do because they don't know the specifics.

    I'm sorry if i sound harsh, i'm not trying to be but i'm being very honest in telling you not to learn SEO on a site that's important to you.
  • You should have never touched a money site that you care to preserve long term with SER. If it doesn't tank now, it will in time anyways.
  • edited April 2014
    Make sure your T1s are decent quality.
  • ronron
    @lisaser - Getting back to my first post on this thread, I would have never started building links at such a high rate. I would have been building maybe 5-10 verified per day (max), and you built 3500 links in 4 days. You shot out of a cannon and now you are scratching your head wondering what is wrong.

    I would scale back to 3-5 verified per day. Look, you need to build link velocity in a systematic, logical fashion. When a site grows in popularity, it is a natural progression. You start low and you build up from there. 

    Next, you never stated what % your main anchor text is. I would probably never go above 5%. I am willing to bet based on what I have seen so far that you are way, way higher. If you are, you are begging for trouble.Again, the same philosophy. Start low as you then have the option to ratchet it up a bit. 

    Lastly, this is week one. Why don't you stop building links for a week or so. You already built 1-2 months worth in the first 4 days. Take a break before you permanently hurt this person's website. That is my advice.
  • Thanks everyone for your responses.

    I was wondering though, what you guys recommend i do to get rid of links i have built? if i get rid of them, surely the ranking will come back?
  • P.S I'm never ever using GSA for tier 1 again :(
  • goonergooner
    @lisaer - There is a remove links function in SER, just do a search and you will find it on the forum.
    Also, it's a matter of opinion whether you should or shouldn't use SER on tier 1, many people do, myself included.
  • @gooner thanks a lot, i understand what your saying, maybes im doing it wrong, for this i bought a data pack from a member on here... was a case of just uploading and that was it... all be in the content made absolute no sense at all lol... so positive news though, the sites not back at it's original position, but it has moved up a couple of places, so really happy that it's going up,rather than keep dropping.

    I've totally stopped the link building at the moment and going to give it a couple more days..

    just so crazy how it dropped right off from top of 2nd page, to near bottom of 2nd page and now it's in middle of 2nd page.

    these past couple of days have been so emotional and apologizing to my friend. Really trying hard to get her on page 1.

    i have taken some huge lessons from what you guys have said! NEVER EVER will i use GSA on important sites, as I am still to new to this and trying to learn the ropes so to speak.. i will only use it on money sites when i really have this nailed down.

  • goonergooner
    I'm glad it's returning to normal. It could of been worse, sometimes sites drop 200 places and then come back up higher! haha
  • yeh, im in 2 minds weather to get SEREngines web 2.0 tools for tier 1 now... what you think? and wipe the sweat of my brow for a bit, as i really thought that was it, thought site was going to be sandboxed by google. lol.

  • goonergooner
    Haha, you should be ok. It's hard to do lasting damage in a couple of days unless you go crazy with the link building. Web 2.0's for tier 1 is a very safe and effective method.
  • edited April 2014
    As a rule of thumb, GSA SER should not directly touch any site that you aren't okay with losing. Brick and mortar business sites, brand sites, etc. There is an assumed risk when using automated tools directly to a site. Just reiterating that. You can still use SER to tier our guest posts and pump some juice through them. That actually works really well. Just always be mindful that there is a risk involved using automated tools directly to a site.
  • @gooner i think i am going to stick with my original plan what i saw with web 2.os.. seems to be a solid method.
    thanks for help :)

    @justin - I saw matthews tutorial on where he used GSA but I don't know what settings people have got for tier 1...

    I feel like I am missing something in the process but dont know what tbh :S

    Also,I have a 3rd party link indexer and to index my links it has a few options.

    Links Scheduling

    Which would you choose? ^^

  • Dripping is always better for sticking in the long term unless you are trying to exploit freshness and emulate virality on a new domain. With an old domain like it sounds like you are working with, I would stick with an exponentially increasing link drip.

    Those tutorials are more focused on churn and burn sites. Sites that you build that have no equity if they are lost and can just be cloned to a new domain with nothing lost. You can't do that with a small business site that has any brand equity and you wouldn't want to poison a good brand site that has natural rankings and natural links. Really, it's at your discretion as to what you decide you care about and what you don't care about, but for sites you absolutely don't want to lose now or ever, I would not use SER unless it's used tier 2 and beyond. Etch this in as an SEO commandment to remember and you will save yourself some heartache.
  • I would just use the 3rd party link indexer in SER so it's sending verified links to your indexer immediately, as long as you're not building too many links then you should be good. If you're drip feeding xx links every day, you would just end up with the same amount of links being processed every day in your indexer.

    I'd recommend you to get a couple of domains and play around with SER and do something slightly different for each domain. It's impossible to tell you what settings to use, you'll need to learn this from experience. I also think it'd be great for you to read Kimi's two major posts on SEO on blackhatworld. They're a little old, but the information is still very relevant and quite basic.

    And also you need to get used to google dances, it could take weeks if not months before you see the true impact of the backlinks you're building today in the serps. I'd for example not be surprised to see my rankings go from #7 to below the first 300 results to top 5, so you shouldn't worry too much about it in the future on websites you can replace.
  • edited April 2014
    @fakenickahl - how long usually does google dance take for you ? I had a site that was churning for 3 month on top3, after i blasted it directly with aprox 1000 links and started building links to tier1 for 4 - 6 days it moved to page 6 and now somewhere even further away. So now i have dilemma to 301 or hope it comes back.
  • "This is where you need to start documenting all the variables in a spreadsheet."
    @rin, what variables do you mean? What do you use?

  • @RayBan, it's different for how long I'm dancing, it can be days or even weeks. When I see any dancing I just keep on backlinking with the same velocity as before.
  • edited April 2014
    @fakenickahl thanks, will try that.
  • edited April 2014
    Don't over-experiment way over your budget. Manage your linkbuilding risks the way you run your stock portfolio or almost anything.

    If you don't have the financial/networking capacity to adapt and scale - which is kind of a necessity now - then just run SER/SEO as your hobby until you spot YOUR THING.
  • "This is where you need to start documenting all the variables in a spreadsheet."
    @ron, what variables do you mean? What do you use?


  • ronron
    @XXXX - I mean how many submitted/verified links you are building each day, as well as the % of exact match anchor text you are using, whether you have tiers and how many, indexing, your actual rankings, etc. Essentially any variable that can affect ranking as well as your rankings.
  • lisaser Here is my suggestion. Others may disagree, but I have been doing this lately to move stalled keywords. Dial your minimum PR up to 5+ at tier 1. This should give you the bounce back you are looking for.
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited April 2014
    Some good advice already given by some of the posters in this thread, but I'd also try adding [at least] a couple of hundred words to the existing content and embedding a video and/or optimised image if possible.

    I know hindsight is a wonderful thing, but for future reference, it would have been better if you'd done the above before building  any links to the domain (that I assume hadn't had any links built to it for a while?).

    Two reasons for doing this;

    1. It looks more natural to google if the content changes and then starts recieving links.

    2. It plays right into the hands of the freshness algo, and you'll most likely get a boost from that factor as well.

    Either way, I wouldn't be too concerned about the drop that you experienced as you will most likely be able to bring it back with some quality links (or even spam if you know what you're doing). It happens, and google often doesn't react to link building and other changes the way you would expect.

    Some light reading for you :D  ...

  • Folks, what about Bing? I started with SER 3 months ago buying 2 data packs. I was invisible. Suddenly last week I found me on the 1 position by Bing (kw with very little monthly search volumes - ca. 500) and today at the 60 position.

    Google dances for other kw (ca. 4500 monthly search volumes) between 45-70 position. But I was nearly on this position (maybe 80). And only few links are indexed (although I'm using 2 indexing services+GSA SEo Indexer).

    My domain is old and I don't want to get it penaltized. But I want to see things fast. How long should I wait? Thanks.
  • just want to ask, how to check results on google the right way?

    is it intitle:"KEYWORD" or allintitle:"KEYWORD"

    just want to ask guys, thanks!
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