Boost mod

Hi @Sven
For those like me who do not use reports, is it possible to disable the control links and more ?
I mean just send the request to the server and does not wait until the end of creation? (just send request and quit, do not collect any info).
I think the link will still be created.
Many uses hugely treads for this because the quality at this level is not important (Just quantity).
Maybe indexer use that at this time but if not, is seem to be nice for incrase maximum speed (approximatively X 2-3 by save second loading/proxy error/checking read write data).
Time is money 

Thank you
This is a "problem" and you need @Sven to fix it? Set up 1001 threads and you'll be back to 1000 all the time.
Hmm I don't quite understand this. For each download a new thread is started and that thread also performes the processing of the result and when successful or not sends a message back to the main thread about it's result.
The main thread simply waits for a result returns and starts another thread as it has a free slot to do so. I don't know how this can be made faster at all (beside using thread pools which is happening in the background already).