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Changes in verification

I on on SER 8.14 and am seeing some changes since yesterday. 

1) I see that submitted summary in project pane (total count of submitted shown just below project pane) increases at a rapid pace while my projects are running. BUT the submitted count in the log pane does not increase at all or very little. Any reason what this could be happening? I see a lot of green in the log pane but submitted stat does not increase. 
2) I have my projects set for custom verification with "remove after 1st verification" checked. Earlier this used to zero all submitted counts after one round of verification. BUT now the counts don't go to zero even after repeatably stopping projects are restarting verifications. Did anything change around this?



  • Yup. See the same.

    Even if you set in a project "remove after 1st ver" and set a project to Active(V) it is not verifying to zero. I left a project for 3 days. No luck.
  • goonergooner
    Full verification process takes 5 days no?
  • SvenSven
    It shouldn't take 3 days to get a link removed, send me the engine names for this link and I review it. But yes, this "remove after 1st verify try" is a bit different now.
  • Well, in the past SER was removing links immediately if "remove after 1st verify try" is checked.

    Now it's not. The project has blog comments, guestbooks, image comments, trackbacks, pingbacks, social bookmarks and microblogs checked.
  • SvenSven
    those engines have no accounts to post and so it's not able to login and clean things up.
  • @Sven, just checked with the recent SER version.

    Set a project to Active(V), it cleaned up some links, but stalled on 759 submitted with an important message: "All links have been verified once now".
  • @Sven, I am seeing this across all engines types (forum, video, article, wiki, social network, image comment, etc). Can you tell us more about the change in verification process. What has changed?

    For problem #1, when using contextual platforms, I am getting like 100 submitted in the project pane (global count) and < 10 in the daily submitted stats. Can you tell me why this could be happening? I would like to narrow down the problem - unless there is some other explanation

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