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How to bypass "Already Successful"?

I tried to import my verified URLs but as I have observed, I always see lots of "already successful" in logs (almost 50% of the time) when the description or anchor text of the old verified URL is somehow "related" to your new project's description or anchor text. If a word from your old verified URL's description or anchor text is the same as your description or anchor text in your new project, GSA SER will automatically skip it.

For example, I have the word "cheats" in my verified URL's description or anchor text. If I still have the word "cheats" in my new project's description or anchor text, then GSA SER will automatically skip it. :(
I hope there will be an option to post again on that URL.

Examples: (From my logs)
08:13:20: [-] already successful -
08:13:20: [-] already successful -
08:13:20: [-] already successful -
08:13:20: [-] already successful -
08:13:20: [-] already successful -
08:13:20: [-] already successful -

It's a newly duplicated project (settings only). I have also cleared the cache and history but the problem still persists.
@Sven: Any way to bypass that one? Please help. Thanks!

UPDATE: I think I found out something. 95% (if not 100%) of the "already successful" messages occurs in Aardvark Topsites (Directory) engine!


  • SvenSven
    Not the anchor text is important but the URL linked to it. If that URL is already present on the URL or domain (depends on engine), it means it's dupe and skipped.
  • @Sven: I see. Any way to bypass it?
  • I want to post to those sites again with messages "already successful" :(
  • SvenSven
    Impossible to do that as it would be pure spam.
  • @Sven: Any chance of adding that option? I only do pure spam :|
  • SvenSven
    sorry no.
  • LOL.... only do pure spam..... nice :) 

    SPAM 4 DA WIN! :)

    OP, how about usings 301 URL shortners.... there is a tool called Nuke 301 or something along those lines being sold here in the buy/sell/trade section. Go speak to that provider and see what he says.
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