Anybody interested in pr1+ verified list (mainly contextuals).
I've brought every verified list out there and it has come to my attention that most of the urls in these list consist of forums, guestbooks, trackbacks and other spammy crap. I was searching for verified lists with contextual engines and pr and couldn't find any.
So now I've got gscraper running 24/7 on two servers scraping and checking pr and I'm building verified link lists for use with my clients properties.
The engines I use are:
Blog comments,
Social Networks,
Social Bookmarks,
Web 2.0s
The largest portion of engines in the lists I am building so far are articles and social networks.
Would anybody be interested in buying verified lists consisting of pr1+ domains containing only the platforms outlined above?
If so how many pr1+ verified urls would you expect in a package and at what price?
I was thinking of selling them regularly in groups of 10k and severely limiting the distribution of each one like maby 20 people. It wouldn't be 10k unique domains due to all the social network urls but there are good chunks.
These types of engines carry wayyyy more value than forums guestbooks and all that trash. In my experience of buying lists you'd be lucky to get 1k pr1+ domains consisting of the engines above from a list of 30-50k verified urls!
Let me know if you'd be keen on this and if you are - your opinons on the following:
How many unique urls
How many unique domains
How many people to split each list by
How much should it cost
So now I've got gscraper running 24/7 on two servers scraping and checking pr and I'm building verified link lists for use with my clients properties.
The engines I use are:
Blog comments,
Social Networks,
Social Bookmarks,
Web 2.0s
The largest portion of engines in the lists I am building so far are articles and social networks.
Would anybody be interested in buying verified lists consisting of pr1+ domains containing only the platforms outlined above?
If so how many pr1+ verified urls would you expect in a package and at what price?
I was thinking of selling them regularly in groups of 10k and severely limiting the distribution of each one like maby 20 people. It wouldn't be 10k unique domains due to all the social network urls but there are good chunks.
These types of engines carry wayyyy more value than forums guestbooks and all that trash. In my experience of buying lists you'd be lucky to get 1k pr1+ domains consisting of the engines above from a list of 30-50k verified urls!
Let me know if you'd be keen on this and if you are - your opinons on the following:
How many unique urls
How many unique domains
How many people to split each list by
How much should it cost
Each would have 50k unique urls.
At least 30k unique domains.
All links would be from domains with PR1+.
Each list would consist of a mix of:
Blog Comments
Image Comments
Social Bookmarks
Social Networks
Web 2.0s
Out of these 50k URLS there would be at least 5k PR1+ unique domains from ONLY:
Social Bookmarks
Social Networks
Web 2.0s
If you would be interested in this let me know. If I get enough interest i'll open up a thread in the sales section and start distributing it.
srsly, why would you?
It is hard to generate the lists though.
I need funds to pay for my set up is all.
I just saw a gap in the market when i spent so much buying every "amazing list" to get a bunch of sites I coukd scrape on my own in a few days.
Il delete the thread when i get home guys
Just don't forget to filter out the sites that you had put your moneysite links on before selling because your moneysite rank will go down as your 1st tier begins to die or to raise red flags to G.
Every time list swapping occurs non-participators become losers because theoretically speaking folks build 10k backlinks to 200 contextual sites every day.
social network
and hit me for review.