As title says, I've just purchased GSA Captcha breaker but it won't install

I keep getting the following error message : The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.
I've tried downloading and installing again but i get the same message :-/
and guess what! it's still not working!
Windows Firewall has always been disabled on my server and no anti virus has ever been installed. Nothing has been changed on Windows/system configuration, no updates or anything like that.
Any other ideas please?
Well each version has a different executable (naturally). So bad coded anti virus programs might fail on a new version thinking it's a virus. And it's getting worse all the time as most rely on simple signatures that can be in a virus or part of a harmless program like ours.
Seriously, disable the anti virus/firewall and try downloadign again.
I don't know what happened but thanks anyway
@lisaser - Try it again now, it just worked for me so hopefully it will for you too.
ditto, don't know what happened, very confusing but works now, yayy!
I removed the program, stopped my anti-virus (norton 360) both on the firewall and the anti-virus auto detect and it still comes up with this same error.
I have tried rebooting and it didn't help. I am running windows 7.
I would like to get captcha breaker working asap. Please help?