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How to send only Recaptcha to second service in GSA SER ?

If I have 2 captcha services enabled on GSA SER (1 solving all easy captchas and second one only recaptcha).

I would like the first one to solve any captcha but Recaptcha and second one only Recaptcha how I can do this?
I know that GSA SER is able to recognize Recaptcha but I don't know how to set which service I would like it to use for solving it.


  • SvenSven
    actually you should move the second service to service 1. This way you skip the recaptcha solving for CB/CS.
  • edited April 2014
    But if I will move the second service (captchaeater) to the 1 it will be getting all captchas and not only recaptcha right?  As it is only able to solve recaptcha I will be just wasting my recourses and available captcha threads for captchas that will never be solved if I'm thinking correctly.
  • edited April 2014
    I always wanted to know the same thing. It will be great any OCR providers leave comments. -- whether or not subscription threads are compromised.
  • @acidut - can you weigh in? It would be nice if SER knew to only send Recaptcha and Mollom to Reverse OCR so that we could add it to SER as a 1st/2nd service rather than using it as a backup service to GSA CB. @sven - any chance you can add this in? The same thing that you do for Spamvilla. This would obviously speed up things since GSA CB wouldn't waste time trying to send captchas that it can't solve to Reverse OCR and Recaptchas wouldn't have to be sent to GSA CB at all.
  • I know how to do it with GSA CB. You would use GSA CB and in the settings have it skip either just recaptcha, or any hard to solve ones, then GSA will go to the 2nd captcha service you have listed, (in my case DBC) and so DBC mostly only does recaptchas.
  • @justin I just read your comment and can see what I suggest is exactly not what you wanted lol
  • tsaimllc what about people who do not own GSA CB? I don't think it is possible right now to do it in GSA SER itself and that would be really great feature.
  • edited April 2014
    I think using CB for that feature slows down SER. As @Sven says it's best to use OCR as 1st solver but...

    OCR sellers are not recommending it because it's obviously putting quite a load on the servers or they are charging threads for all captchas.
  • goonergooner
    Personally, i get best results using OCR in CB. I have a few servers running with it and a few without, no major difference in speed of SER. But that doesn't help people who don't have CB of course.
  • Jesse That's exactly what I think. Sending all these hard to solve captchas to third party software is just unnecessary waste of resources. And using recaptcha solving services where we pay per thread for solving captchas that they are not able to solve just slows down everything.
  • edited April 2014
    I wish SER can send only Recaptcha or such designated captchas to OCR providers as EVE and Spamvilla worked the way with SER.. if putting OCR sellers to 1st solvers is not workable.
  • goonergooner
    You can do that in CB, why is that a problem? (Assuming you have CB).
  • Putting Reverseproxies or Captchaeater on CB with only Recaptcha or stuff on slows down SER for me like many I think.
  • SvenSven
    I add it to the to-do list to use certain services only for hard captchas.
  • Sven Thanks a lot Sven. Best customer service ever ;)
  • @nitros - what I was suggesting is for sven to integrate the ability to only send recaptcha/mollom to reverseOCR in SER so that we don't have to add it as a backup service in GSA CB.

    This means that instead of a captcha going from SER-->GSA CB (3 retries)-->OCR (2 retries)-->fail it would just send recaptha directly to the OCR from within SER. As it stands now, it captchas have to go through GSA CB to get to Reverse OCR.
  • Justin I know, but as you can see above Sven already decided to add this in future updates :)
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