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CLEAN UP taking forever - but progress bar has been at 100% for 16 hours

I read somewhere to clean my list to improve LPM speed. So I decided I needed to clean my identified list since it slowed down my LPM after I imported a list I purchased.

Before I imported my purchased list I was running 500s thread with an LPM of about 60 to 90 steady, after the imported list it went to like 7LPM.

So I decided to use Advanced / Tool / Cleanup / Identified option with proxies disabled. The progress bar took about 3 hours to get to 100% and has been at 100% since, but the counters for Identified and Unknown are still increasing and I see URLs being shown that its working.

If I go to stats for my lists.. Identified shows I have 14945536 total identified (but this number has been increasing since the cleanup tool, is this normal?) When I started the stats for identified were around 200k now they are in the millions with the cleanup still happening.

And the current counts of the progress is still increasing and displays values that are higher than the identified stats???

16025914 Identified
949419 Unknown

So I am confused on what's going on, since there is no way of knowing when this will be finished because the progress bar is at 100%, how do I not know its caught in some endless loop.

See image below for a better explanation of what I am trying to say...




  • SvenSven
    next version will have a proper progressbar again...sorry
  • Well I didn't know what to do, so I cancelled it. Then it took a while to close GSA SER, after that I opened it and had like 14xxxxx identified, then ran remove duplicate URLS and got back down to 200k...  WTF, was it stuck in a loop like I thought?

  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    You should remove at least dupe URLs before running it. Also, instead of cleaning up that way, just import everything into a project and let the project do the verifying and testing.
  • Brandon thanks, I did do a dedup before the clean, I didn't mention it because I didn't think it would matter on the 100% issue, but thank again!
  • Cleanup became somewhat obsolete as target sites become useless way faster than before. That's causing lower LPM as well. You read somewhere to clean your list to improve LPM speed but that's an old information.
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