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Hello @Sven

I found a bug in the SDK, can you please take a look and fix it please?

Please download and import the share i made

then go to Unknown->A26 and open it in the SDK

You will see for one of the samples imported the answer written as 1+54 while it should be SXOL

Even if you type the correct one, save and open it again in the SDK you will again see 1+54

This happens for many custom new captcha definitions, just such random maths are inserted as answers to the samples


  • SvenSven
    hmm sorry it's not shoing that for me. just wro samples and both are correctly named.
  • Now that is weird..

    take a look how it is for me:

    could it be there some issue with the way CB reads the samples and and their answers, mixing up the answers from other captcha types as i have that 1+54 as answer for a sample from other captcha type? As i don't see the samples listed anywhere in the .ini file...
  • SvenSven
    samples are read from your harddisk and remembered from where you loaded them. Try to enter correct once and choose to also rename files on harddisk in the popup menu.
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