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Fixed places of (potential) links and anchors.

edited March 2014 in Need Help
http://domain/url_a should be linked with "anchor a1" and "anchor a2".
http://domain/url_b should be linked with "anchor b1" and "anchor b1".
I added them using "Add url with anchor".

I prepared an article containing "anchor a1", "anchor a2", "anchor b1", "anchor b2". But for some reason GSA sometimes finds them and sometimes not, creating link elsewhere.

What is the easiest method to force GSA to use _only_ links in the places I specified? This can't be random anchors as this doesn't make sense for a reader... and google algorithm.
Please note that in the future I will be using multiple articles and some of them will not have all anchors (in which case I want GSA to switch to an article containing required keyword but not place anything in random places).


  • Have you tried just using <a href=”%url%”>%anchor_text%</a> and replacing %url% with your fixed domain if you don't want it to randomly choose here.
  • edited March 2014
    I can't do that. I have 4 potenial places to put link to and I want only one link in an article. Okay, I know why GSA have problems with finding my anchor text - it's because "domain as anchor text" (and the domain is not in text). I don't like how it's put between random words but something like:

    Domain or generic link *only* (without any generated sentence)

    Would be acceptable.
  • edited March 2014
    Using "How to insert Link: No link" is pretty close to what I'm trying to achieve (I assumed this would generate article with no links at first glance). But when I have multiple articles and not every article contains all keywords, this occasionaly produces an article with no link at all (even if some other anchors are there in this article)...
  • edited March 2014
    @Sven: I specified an algorithm that would suit me. I'm trying to post high-quality content on my own sites, so that's why I care so much. Could you take a look and tell me if you will consider implementing it?
  • SvenSven
    you can make a big spin og all your articles. SER will then choose the one containing the anchor it wants to link.
  • edited March 2014
    @Sven: Actually this is not the case. Please have a look:
    the anchor "kredyt hipoteczny w getin banku" exist in one of the versions but is not changed to link. Instead, different version of the article (containing no anchor) is taken.
  • SvenSven
    well you use "no link" option?
  • Yes. I also tried three other with no luck, SER doesn't always choose the article containing the anchor.
  • SvenSven
    Are you using one article in manager or more than that?
  • edited April 2014
    One article that look exactly like this:
    Please note: anchor selected by SER "kredyt hipoteczny w getin banku" is present in the third version of article {not that|not that|THAT! THERE IT IS}. Yet the second version of the article is chosen and no link is present at all.
  • SvenSven
    Yes, thats one article, this works only if you put all your articles in a big spin syntax and add just one article.
  • I understand. This is what I'm doing and it worked exactly as I showed you on pastebin :) *One* "big" article containing three articles (one sentence article just for tests purpose). And yet it can't find my anchor.
  • SvenSven
    Using "No link" is propably not the best option should choose "Just a link" as option.
  • "Just a link at a random location" inserts... a link in a random location. I don't want it to be in a random location since there is proper place for link with this anchor (as you said "SER will then choose the one containing the anchor it wants to link").
  • SvenSven
    Bahh that options are used when no anchor text is found!
  • OK, that's fine! But *why* no anchor text is found in my example? I think this might be a bug.
  • SvenSven
    Well please use something else than "no link" as this search for anchor placement is skipped as it doesn't expect to insert something.
  • edited April 2014
    OK, I've changed it to "sentence at the bottom" and this is my test run:
    As you can see, for anchor "kredyt hipoteczny w getin banku" it uses 1st article instead of 3th where such anchor is present and link could be inserted without a generic sentence. It *sometimes* work as I expected, ie. without inserting generic sentence and linking from anchor contained in 3th article.
  • SvenSven
    hmm you mean TEST produces that? OK thats different. On a real submission it would work (at least it's made to work like that).
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