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  • KaineKaine
    edited October 2021
    Hello and sorry, I did not receive the notification
    @draculax Pm sended
    @sickseoWe put the captcha in order to avoid the use of automated systems ...
  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    edited October 2021
    how does putting in recaptcha prevent automated systems? Have you heard of xevil? it solves v3 recapctha!!! lol And so does 2captcha.

    Honestly, it does not prevent automated systems. It just slows me down when trying to submit links in volume. One install has 3.5 million links. Now you don't allow the upload of 3.5 million links in one go. At best I can upload between 50k -100k links at a time before your system system breaks and says "entity too large". so what is 3.5 million divided by 50k? A heck of a lot. That's what I have to go through to get my links uploaded to your system, manually. Then I have to put up with a continuouos loop of recapcthas before I can even submit 50k links. I literally spent an entire day just uploading links from one server. I have 34 servers just like this. 

    I'm sorry but i'm not wasting my time like that. If you are not willing to remove the recaptcha or devise a sytem where I can upload 3.5 million links in one file, then i'm gonna have to cancel the service. It's not for me and definitely not bult for unlimited submissions.

    Thanked by 1draculax
  • edited October 2021
    I agree with @sickseo
    I tested your service on 1 day and I spent my day cutting my 2 million links.
    because the system does not allow to submit large files.
    Can you please solve the problem.
    I thank you in advance and especially if it works before thank you 
    Thanked by 1sickseo
    Thanked by 1sickseo
  • sickseosickseo London,UK
    edited November 2021
    @Kaine Is there any chance that you can increase the upload limit for the file size on your server please? Currently it seems to be set at 128mb max file size. Could you please increase this to 1gb?

    At 100mb file size I can upload 100k links per file. At 1gb I could upload 1million links per file, which would make a massive difference for me.

    Thanked by 1draculax
  • KaineKaine
    edited November 2021
    Hello, @sickseo
    It is forbidden to use an automated system on our server.
    This is why the captcha is present. You ignored our warnings.
    With this violation and around 10GB of urls per day, we are going to shut down our business together.
    A Paypal refund has just been sent.
    All the best.

  • Well thanks for the refund.

    Do you expect me to sit there and keep clicking google recaptchas? Or waste money to employ someone to click those recaptchas? Like I said, it's not built for unlimited submissions and definitely not for me.

    Thanks for the service anyway. It was good while it lasted.
  • KaineKaine
    edited November 2021
    sickseo said:
    Well thanks for the refund.

    Do you expect me to sit there and keep clicking google recaptchas? Or waste money to employ someone to click those recaptchas? Like I said, it's not built for unlimited submissions and definitely not for me.

    Thanks for the service anyway. It was good while it lasted.

    The limit is not the number of urls but the size of the file. This weight is defined by the http request overrun. As you use very long urls (I won't specify the type), you can send 10-100 times less urls than our other clients with traditional urls in one single submission.
    I would be curious to know the price requested for 10 giga of urls by day from a competitor.
    10gigas of urls must represent, for many indexing services, the total of urls that they must process in several months, see in one year seen the price of the services.

    We are tolerant with our customers but here there is clearly an excess which has become a habit.
  • I run 44 vps with gsa ser on them. You advertised unlimited submissions. I even asked you in this sales thread, Is it really unlimted submisisions? You said yes. Then I said "I hope you can handle the volume!"

    Well, quite clearly you can't handle the volume, can you?

    And how can you say this is "excess" for a system that is still clearly advertising "unlimited submissions" lol 

    It's either unlimited or it isn't unlimited. So you're basically saying it is unlimited for everyone else, but if you are running an SEO agency named SICK SEO you are BANNED. Thanks.

    You said you put the recaptcha there to prevent automated systems. I created my automated system with zennoposter 7 because you put the recaptcha there. I am not clicking to solve recaptchas, especially when I have xevil. I didn't pay all that money for that software to still be solving captchas manually. That's just nuts.

    Your service is not capabale of handling the submissions from GSA ser. That's the issue here. Nothing to do with me or my submissions or my use of automated systems. You're system can't cope with the volume. That's just from 44 vps which is the equivalent of 44 customers.

    If you expect me to pay the subscription of 44 different customers, then just say that and stop advertising unlimited urls. It's now false advertising. How would your system cope with 44 customers, each uploading the same urls from one of my vps? What's the difference between the 2 scenarios? Other than you get the money from 1 customer instead of 44 different customers? The urls will be the same and the submissions would be the same. Your system still could not cope right?

    Anyway, I've had my rant. You have a nice day!
  • KaineKaine
    edited November 2021
    malade a dit :
    Je lance 44 vps avec gsa ser dessus. Vous avez annoncé des soumissions illimitées. Je vous ai même demandé dans ce fil de discussion, est-ce vraiment des soumissions illimitées ? Tu as dit oui. Puis j'ai dit "J'espère que vous pouvez gérer le volume!"

    Eh bien, il est clair que vous ne pouvez pas gérer le volume, n'est-ce pas ?

    Et comment pouvez-vous dire que c'est "un excès" pour un système qui fait toujours clairement de la publicité pour des "soumissions illimitées" lol 

    C'est soit illimité, soit ce n'est pas illimité. Donc, en gros, vous dites que c'est illimité pour tout le monde, mais si vous dirigez une agence de référencement nommée SICK SEO, vous êtes INTERDIT. Merci.

    Vous avez dit que vous aviez mis le recaptcha là pour empêcher les systèmes automatisés. J'ai créé mon système automatisé avec zennoposter 7 car vous y avez mis le recaptcha. Je ne clique pas pour résoudre les recaptchas, surtout quand j'ai xevil. Je n'ai pas payé tout cet argent pour que ce logiciel résolve toujours les captchas manuellement. C'est juste fou.

    Votre service n'est pas capable de gérer les soumissions de GSA ser. C'est le problème ici. Rien à voir avec moi ou mes soumissions ou mon utilisation de systèmes automatisés. Votre système ne supporte pas le volume. C'est juste à partir de 44 vps, ce qui équivaut à 44 clients.

    Si vous attendez de moi que je paie l'abonnement de 44 clients différents, dites-le simplement et arrêtez de faire de la publicité pour des URL illimitées. C'est maintenant de la publicité mensongère. Comment votre système gérerait-il 44 clients, chacun téléchargeant les mêmes URL depuis l'un de mes vps ? Quelle est la différence entre les 2 scénarios ? Autre que vous obtenez l'argent d'un client au lieu de 44 clients différents ? Les URL seront les mêmes et les soumissions seront les mêmes. Votre système ne peut toujours pas faire face, n'est-ce pas ?

    Quoi qu'il en soit, j'ai eu mon coup de gueule. Vous avez une belle journée!
    It is forbidden to use an automated system on our site. With more than 1500 IPs connected on your private access, it is also likely that you have shared your access.
    We warned you, didn't we? You continued, didn't you?

     Vous ne savez rien de nous et du nombre de clients que nous avons ou du nombre de soumissions que nous traitons.
    Étant donné que nous dirigeons de nombreuses sociétés de référencement, je peux vous assurer qu'elles n'envoient pas le genre de liens de merde que vous vous autorisez à envoyer en dix gigaoctets au vôtre. Cela ne s'appelle pas SEO, désolé de vous le dire.
    Pour vous donner une idée, la plupart des vraies agences de référencement n'envoient même pas 10 Mo / jour.
    Cela en dit long sur vos compétences, peu importe ce qu'un débutant peut appuyer sur un bouton et faire exactement les mêmes liens que vous en quelques minutes.
    Je vous souhaite, ainsi qu'à vos clients, la meilleure des chances pour les prochaines mises à jour de Google.
  • Hey @Kaine, may I have discount code? Also, I've noticed google is been slow to index stuff lately, maybe because of the core update? How has this indexing service been doing?
  • Hey @Kaine, may I have discount code?
  • KaineKaine
    Hello @darekdrek and @amitseo sorry I was not receiving the notifications. A private message has been sent to you with the coupons
  • edited November 2021
    hello you are coupon black friday ? @Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    edited December 2021
    draculax said:
    hello you are coupon black friday ? @Kaine

    No sorry our prices are already drawn to the maximum and we are already offering coupons.
  • KaineKaine
    edited December 2021
    Search engine crawl report (Google, Bing and Yandex) for our customers' urls from December 5, 2021: Screenshot
    No one can beat us, claim your coupon !
  • googlealchemistgooglealchemist Anywhere I want
    Kaine said:
    Hello, I just sent you your coupon.
    We stopped the API because TheBestIndexer is too different from other indexers. I explained a little above that dripfeed is an urban legend because every post on the Internet is dated.
    Is that still a permanent decision re no api? I found this thread as I was looking in gsa settings and this is the one service that i wanted to use that did not have an api option. What do u mean about the drip feed being an urban legend due to dated posts? Thanks
  • KaineKaine
    edited December 2021
    Is that still a permanent decision re no api? I found this thread as I was looking in gsa settings and this is the one service that i wanted to use that did not have an api option. What do u mean about the drip feed being an urban legend due to dated posts? Thanks

    Yes we will not be relaunching the API. All of this worked fine between GSA SER and TheBestIndexer, but as we explained our operation is very different from other indexing systems. First, there is no waiting period. Our clients' submissions are instantly sent to all three search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex). SER is configured in a certain way that suits other link indexing services because they are often the same (White label / subcontractor). TBI has nothing to do with it and this specificity cannot be matched in the same way and would require leveling our performance downwards. Our goal is maximum performance but also the most complete safety. In our time when search engines deliver a merciless guard to those who wish to develop their natural referencing, we impose ourselves as the choice par excellence : The Best Search Engines Indexer Service
    Yes, I repeat, dripfeed is an urban legend that was promoted by indexing services. This allowed them to balance the charges for all their customers (insufficient capacity). So your links are processed when it can be done.
    Check the source code of the pages your links are posted on and you will understand why Google knows exactly when you have posted your links. So you can try to index your links with a week of difference but for Google for example, it will know that all were posted at the same time.
    So you wasted time for nothing, while your competitors index efficiently, safely and very quickly on multiple search engines with The Best Indexer.
    It is no more no less the biggest evolution concerning indexation. A true new generation engine.
    Thanked by 1draculax
  • KaineKaine
    edited December 2021
    December 14th index crawls for our clients' submissions: Click here
  • @Kaine It seems that when you cancelled the service, the paypal subscription was not cancelled. Can you please issue a refund for todays transaction. I've now cancelled the subscription payment to stop future payments. I've already forwarded details of the paypal transaction to your service email.

  • KaineKaine
    sickseo said:
    @Kaine It seems that when you cancelled the service, the paypal subscription was not cancelled. Can you please issue a refund for todays transaction. I've now cancelled the subscription payment to stop future payments. I've already forwarded details of the paypal transaction to your service email.

    The operation has just been performed right now it should take a day or two.
  • Hey,

    I've got it already. Thanks very much.
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • This service work for me great and once again i need to try will back soon.  
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    Thank you, you are always welcome.
    We are still undefeated.
  • hi
    Happy New Year. :smile:
    Can you check the message ?
  • KaineKaine
    johnpark said:
    Happy New Year. :smile:
    Can you check the message ?
    Hello, yes I saw that will be fixed in a few minutes, thank you  :)
  • KaineKaine
    It's fixed, happy new year :)
  • KaineKaine
    edited January 2022
  • KaineKaine
    January 14th index crawls: Click here
  • hi, how many links can i submit with a 49$ / montth plan? i know it says unlimited, but is there actually a limit? i plan to submit like almost 1 milion links per month..  20-30k per day..  
    Thanked by 1Kaine
  • KaineKaine
    nanonino said:
    hi, how many links can i submit with a 49$ / montth plan? i know it says unlimited, but is there actually a limit? i plan to submit like almost 1 milion links per month..  20-30k per day..  
    Yes it's fully illimited  :)
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