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Can someone recommend good proxy provider

Having some issues with current provider and would like to know if anyone can recommend a decent proxy provider that work well with GSA SER


  • who are you with now?
  • edited January 2014
    currently using a mix of 3 proxy providers 2 of them below (cannot share other provider)

    proxyhub have cleaner ips but slower support response (+24 hours sometimes).
    proxies are slower.

    buyproxies have blacklisted/spammed ips but fast support (never more than 8 hours).
    proxies are faster.
  • I am with proxy hub but they are slow and the last month's list had 4 working out of the 10 from day 1.

    I don't have time to chase for new proxies every month, need it reliable and working first time.

    Thanks for your response.

  • goonergooner
    solidseovps proxies working well for me.
  • @gooner isn't it required by solidseovps to be a vps customer of theirs to purchase there proxies?
  • I can answer that - no - I've just given them a try and ordered some proxies - I don't use their VPS
  • Nice thanks. Please update thread if you can about proxy performance. I'm always looking for new proxy providers.
  • flowerbaron I use their proxies as well.
  • goonergooner
    @jpvr90 - My experience of proxy providers is that they are always good at the start and then as more people sign up performance tends to drop. At the moment they are working really nicely for me, fast and reliable - But who knows in the future.
  • edited January 2014
    I am using both packages of - shared and dedicated private proxies.

    Dedicated proxies always remain alive and i get much higher success rate there. Also i can even run more threads than shared ones.

    On Shared ones, half of the remains down anytime i checked. I am going to convert my shared proxies packages on dedicated.

    About support, there is no match of buyproxies
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