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Is PR and OBL filter still necessary for ranking?


I have a few questions. I appreciate this may be a matter of opinion rather than fact but either would be appreciated.
  • Is PR and OBL filter still necessary for ranking?
  • Should "Skip also unknown PR" be checked or is this also not a major factor in ranking?
  • If I am targeting english speakers should I target only sites that are written in english?
  • Should these filters be used only on links pointing to the money site and can be unchecked for every other tier?


  • Terawin While the PR filter is not nearly as important any longer since Google stopped updating page rank, your OBL filter is important. Setting your OBL filter will cut down on the number of crappy sites with 100's and 1000's of posts.

    Regarding language, I would consider blocking Chinese and Russian sites. If you restrict yourself too much here it becomes an issue.

    On lower tiers, you can spam harder and you can do so without filtering safely.
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