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what exactly should i check?

hello guys, i want to ask you a question ...for what exactly should i use proxies? i have 10 semi dedicated proxies and i'm not scraping, i use only a private list links ...what exactly should i check? i have checked to use proxies just for Search engines and Submission ...should i also check PR or verifications? ...and if i don't scraping should i uncheck Search engines? thank you in advance!


  • @dsonline - i noticed that no one answered you. Here is your standard setup:

  • coneh34d but why should i check Search engines if i don't use gsa for scraping? ...i have a verified links list and i don't scrping
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    @dsonline - Then it doesn't matter if you select to use proxies for search engines or not. He is just showing you a standard setup, it's a good "base" to start with but you can tweak it based on your campaign/settings.
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