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Any case studies on ranking facebook/amazon pages?

How many days or weeks do you wait running GSA until you see results? And what would be the ideal links per day?

Currently running a campaign with 150 links a day. Is this too much?

Anchor text diversity:



  • Yeah i ranked FB page in top 5 position in google using gsa but i didn't use the secondary or partial. I also forget about the actual settings but you should test it one by one...
  • You only went pure anchor text? How many links per day did you do and for how long?
  • LSI and Generic is good for FB. Depends on projects, 10-50 links per day is sufficent for me.
  • I see. I might be overdoing it with 500/day. haha

    How long did it take you to rank in page 1?
  • Depends on competition, low kw, might take me 3-4 days, medium - 10-20 days and high takes more than 1 month. Make sure your On Page seo is also done very well.
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