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Bugs in proxy handling / checking?

edited January 2013 in Bugs
I use the following options in "Proxy list":

v Automatically search for new proxies every 60 minutes
v Test proxies [ All (good/bad) ] v Re-test previously working proxies
v Automatically export working proxies to file
Threads: 50 Timeout: 30 sec
v Automatically disable bad proxies on use

First it displays 9397 proxies, but every hour the same message repeats itself:

"Testing 9397 proxies..."
"Proxy testing finished."

for days. It doesn't seem GSA SER is collecting and adding new proxies to the list.

This happens even when I switched to private proxies with the following options enabled:

v Automatically export working proxies to file:

In the same dialog box, it says:

"Finished. 20/20 proxies seem to work."

But on the main window, the message still the same:

"Testing 9397 proxies..."
"Proxy testing finished."

Also, all of my proxies are anonymous, but GSA SER detect only 1 is of type: WEB. The rest of them are TRANS (transparent proxies, as in non anonymous, I assume?)

ScrapeBox reported them as anonymous though. doesn't see my IP too when I use them.


  • OzzOzz
    edited January 2013
    Have you tried it with a local folder instead fo Dropbox?

    'Trans' doesn't mean that they are non anonymous.
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