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Where's My Bottleneck?

Here is a top level view of my projects

Submission Tab

Even when I put threads at 2000 it only uses 45% max of the CPU
I saw in a few videos that HTML timeout of 140 is decent.

When I first started I used private proxies for everything. I'm not sure if I should do that or keep it like I have it. Makes sense to only use them for submission. I have 10 semi-private proxies. Do people use Private Proxies for everything or is it always a mix?

I kept getting a lot of "download failed" or "IP seems to be blocked on blahblah" Meaning it was a bad public proxy where do I find good public proxies? I tried searching for sites to add, but after it added 80K I only had about 500 that were good.

The Data Tab

The Options Tab

I tried enabling and disabling the Send verified link to indexer services to no avail. Only English Search engines are enabled, Google, Yahoo, MSN to reduced duplicate search results

Options Screenshot 2

PR 0 and above then OBL 100

For email verification I just selected
-Create New
-Then 25

I don't have an AA list enabled. It's just searching based on keywords. I didn't think my search filters were that strict but maybe they are? Hard to believe that an AA list would improve my LPM that much. I wanted to get niche relevant back links. I didn't just want to throw up links anywhere.

I'm open to thoughts, ideas, suggestions?



  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited May 2014
    You need more proxies. I'd go for at least 20 more if you can afford it. I'm running similar specs to you and I have 100+ proxies.

    Also mailcatch and those types of services are OK for T2 but you are going to going to come up against huge spam filter hurdles for T1. Look around on here or other forums for bulk Yahoo/Gmail accounts. I buy them from Kelvin on here for $6/1000 accounts.
  • edited May 2014
    Thanks for the heads up on the G-Mail accounts. I was wondering why everyone was buying accounts when they were being made for free on GSA.

    You really think it's the proxies huh? Do you just use your private proxies for everything or do you still mix in the free ones too. I'm not really sure if I have it set up right. I figured only using them for submission made the most sense.

    I can't really justify paying $100 a month for semi-private proxies just for posting back links when I'm not really making any money with GSA. I could probably swing $20 a month though just to see if it does in face increase my lpm. What type of LPM on average are you getting with PR0 OBL 100 and 100 proxies?
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man

    I've got several licenses of SER though, so you could probably make do with a lot less. I would try with as many as you can afford, you can always cancel after 1 month.
  • Its not possible to get fast public proxies for posting unless you know what are you doing, and you get public proxies yourself, not by scraping other sites.  Buy 5-10 private from buyproxies and check how it goes (for posting). You would also need solution for scraping and here is problem. 
  • One of the settings that really slowed down my SER was PR checking - so I don't use it anymore. I noticed you're not using proxies for PR checking. Google will ban your real IP, and you'll not be able to retrieve the PR value. Without the PR, SER will not submit since you set your filters to PR=0 or above...
  • Thanks for letting me know public proxies for posting don't exist satyr85. I already have 10 semi-private proxies for submissions (which I guess is posting). Which is why I don't understand why it's so slow. Apparently it's the number of proxies I have and No AA list.

    Good thinking Olve1954 I was wondering why I was getting 4 LPM then it dropped down to 0 for awhile.
  • Public proxies for posting exist but its very, very hard to find them.
  • ronron
    edited May 2014
    @silverdot - I'm not sure where to begin because there are so many things I would change:
    • You need at least 30 semi-private proxies and completely abandon public proxies. If you don't, then your results will always suck.
    • Your threads are way out of line. I can run 1000 threads on 30 proxies and get 300-400 LPM:image
    • I do have verification turned off here, so the numbers are artificially low in the above screenshot.
    • I use a list. Obviously that changes the entire ballgame. But you never showed keywords. When I had SER scrape, I used a file of 100,000 generic broad keywords. How many are you using?
    • You checked off Web2.0. Why? You can't make any links on that platform unless you use SerEngines which is a paid service. If you don't, you will not only make zero links with that platform, but your link productivity will be cut by a massive %, something like -80%.
    • If you are running SEO Indexer at the same time on the same PC, it will literally suck the oxygen out of your internet connection. It will greatly decrease SER performance. If you must run it, run it separately while SER is not running.
    • Check "Try to always place an anchor text..." You are losing way too many links by not having this checked.
    • The filters are killing you. Absolutely killing you. Why bother? Just get rid of them.
    I want you to do something to prove something to yourself:
    • Create 1 dummy project where you make or some search engine (not Google) the URL
    • Get 30 semi private proxies
    • Turn off all your real projects
    • Turn on all decent engines like forum, blog comments, image comments, guestbook, microblog, trackback, article, social network and wiki
    • Stick in a set of 100,000 generic keywords
    • Turn off all filters
    • Change the threads to 500
    • Uncheck link limits so it makes unlimited links
    • Make sure SEO Indexer is turned off in all projects and not running on your desktop
    • After this project is tuned up 100% and perfect, duplicate it 9 times so you have 10 beastly projects
    • Then run the bastard.
    What you will see is how fast you can really run with your equipment, and with scraping (as opposed to a list). You should be able to easily get 100 LPM. If you can't, it may be your PC/VPS, or your internet connection. But you have to first learn how to turn off the throttle on SER so you understand how it can perform in a pure unrestricted state.

    Lastly, you are running contextual projects. Don't expect to knock it dead when running contextuals. They can slow you down a lot. They have to create an account, wait for approval, blah blah blah. Use your head. They can't possibly run as fast as other platforms.

  • Ron this is exactly the type of advice I was looking for. You should have charged me for that post. Thank you so much! I've been working so hard to try and figure this stuff out. I'm going to make these changes and then post back with the update on my LPM.

    Restoring hope to the hopeless my friend.
  • edited May 2014
    Sorry to interfere guys.. 

    • The filters are killing you. Absolutely killing you. Why bother? Just get rid of them.

    But @ron aren't you interested if gsa make a link at a target that has the word "fu**" at the domain ?? 

    Is this makes a difference at different Tiers or not ??
  • ronron
    @justice - It depends on your philosophy. I was/am able to rank for a lot of stuff with that filter turned off.

    I think the important thing is for the OP to understand how the system can run without restrictions, sort of in a naked state, and then back into whatever filter(s) he chooses. I have nothing against the bad words filter at all, but I do have a big issue with the OBL and PR filters as it will cripple the amount of links you can make.
  • edited May 2014
    @ron how many lpm do you get when you have reverify every day set to on or the stats above of 300-400 are with it on?
  • @ron Ok, my bad.. You were referring to the OBL and PR filters and not the bad words filters...

  • ronron
    edited May 2014
    @PeterParker - I am running v8.38 with verification off, and hitting speeds of 250 - 400 LPM with 30 buyproxies. @sven has obviously improved GSA-SER in a manner that I have never seen before. Frankly, it is amazing.

    I have been so mesmerized by the speed that I have been running posting without verification just because I am getting a woodie watching the LPM. Granted it is childish, but I love fast posting. I then take a break at around the half way point and run verification which is lightning fast. I is a dumb way to do it. But I was suffering with previous versions, so I am enjoying all of this like a fine bottle of wine...I'm just playing with SER atm.

    So don't pay attention to me. I am just having fun. But at the end of the day, I am running verification, just not the normal way that I would typically do. 
  • @ron useful info,

    Do you have any idea of what speeds would be like with verification turned on?
  • @ron that's what I do :) It's far faster and running Active V once a day for 30-45 minutes is more than enough time. More control, more LPM, more verifieds, more rankings, more monies, more smilies :):):)
  • @Ron @judderman you guys both run multiple servers don't you?  How do you run a Verified once a day?  Is it a case of simply logging into each server individually and setting Active to Active V?
  • ronron
    edited May 2014
    @PeterParker and @davbel - Yes, exactly the same as @JudderMan says. I let it run for 12 - 18 hours on Active, then just flip the projects to Active(V) for about 45 minutes. When it goes down to 1 or zero threads, I hit stop, wait for everything to stop, and then hit start again to keep the Active(V) going. For whatever reason it starts hammering out a lot more verifieds out of the mix. Then after another 45 minutes I hit stop, change to active, and let it run.

    All my projects are disabled for verification. Despite that, after 200,000 submissions, I still have 50,000 verified while having verification disabled. So once I turn it on to Active(V), I get like another 100,000 verified or something like that.
  • @ron confused by your statement above aobut ;getting 100k more verified' we are tlaking about REverifiying arent we not the inital verify?

    SER will always show what verifieds its made so far to the right of each project wont it? didnt know there was a way to turn of verfiication completley? I presumed we were just talking about reverfication here.
  • @Ron I've noticed something strange about SER verifying when it shouldn't

    I normally only verify projects that have other projects pointing to them, so I usually set each one to verify once a day, but the verification never happens *only* once per day. 

    It seems that once it starts verifying the project, it is constantly dipping in and out of verification even though it's only set to verify once every 1440mins

  • @PeterParker Project Options - > When To Verify -> Never / Disabled
  • @davbel cheers. id seen it but never messed with it.
  • edited May 2014
    do you guys know how you can turn off reverify on all projects using 'edit only one option' cos i was just loking in the drop down list and it has reverify options but non that would turn off the reverification, i tried each one and the only one related was how many minutes but that presupposes that you DO want to reverify, ie that it is checked. when i put 0 in there it just defaulted to 1 minute when i checked a projects and all of them were reverifying :(
  • I change very often this option:
    Select all projects -> right click on them -> Modify project -> Edit signle option for all -> select "verify links" -> and then type "0" (0 is off, 1 is for automatic, 2 is for custom time)
  • yes but what about REverify ? thats what i wanna turn off at the moemnt
  • ronron
    @PeterParker - I would NEVER use the edit only one option - that is how all my projects got fuc**d up. I would use Notepad++ to do it. 3 minutes. I have had a terrible history using that edit feature, as well-intentioned as it is supposed to be. 
  • ronron
    @davbel - Yes, I agree. It does seem to slip into verification multiple times per day, and it seems to slow down link building a lot. That is why I am doing a manual verification. I just am getting a lot more links that way. 
  • edited May 2014
    ah i see sven has added vpm and dpm,  to the lpm counter nice!

    well this sucks...i jsut turned off verificaiton on all projects and no noticeable change in lpm, well it doesnt suck its good in that i keep keep it turned on in that case :D
  • @ron i dont see any ssues with edit only one option but i got fucked up royally with the edit only engines/options.
  • @ron "Then run the bastard"  3:-O That my friends is 'proper advice' right there. If you read one thing on this forum, make it that post.

    I have been manually verifying for over a year - first thing in the morning so I get a good vibe (stonker) for the day.  I have found it to be more effective as SER concentrates on one job at a time.  Don't forget to ramp up the threads when in verify mode!
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