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How to create tiered project


I created a project and build a few links. Now I want to create a tier 2 for that first project and build links to it.
How do i do that. I cannot see any option for it.


  • SvenSven
    you create a normal project and then instead of adding new urls, you click the box under that url input field and choose a main project. that main project will be used to take verified urls from and build new links to them.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    It's easy, just as @Sven explained. :)

    I admit I also couldn't find this when I first got GSA-SER, though it's so easy. lol

    Start a new project or go to the project you want to use for the tiered links.

    Double click on that project.

    In the Data window that opens, for the URL, at the top, leave it blank.

    Then, tick the box next to "Use verified URLS of another project", the second one down, like @Sven said.

    From there, it's self-explanatory. You choose which project(s)' verified links to create links to by checking boxes.

    Once you OK these changes, a button will appear that, when clicked, allows you to alter the tier's advanced options.  You will also not be able to enter any more data in the URL entry blank when you have Tiers set, as it will be inoperable. They made it simple!!
  • @Sven
    thanks. got it.
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