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Delay Verification

edited February 2013 in Feature Requests

I would like to delay verification for a week (about 10000 minutes).

In my sad discoveries and as noted by Sven in , verification can run much earlier than the "custom time" requested.

I would like my next tier to drop links to pages with links that have endured for several days.  SER could support that by delaying verification.

Yes, this does not work with guestbooks.

It does assuage my paranoia about the search enGine bots that search the index for spammy link structures.  If I can write a bot to find your spammy links, Matt can too. is a related feature request asking for just one verification.


  • SvenSven
    If you set a custom time for verifications it is done like that unless project comes to a pause by settings.
  • Yes, I gather that the project reaching a pause allows (prompts) the verification routine to run.

    Unfortunately, I want to submit X links per day.  Also, I run SER far below its capacity; it runs out of work every day.

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