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About "stop projects with status active (pause)" option

edited April 2017 in Need Help
Hi @sven,

I'd like to know what this checkbox really does, iv noted that when the projects hit the daily limit instead of become paused they will stop but iv the feeling that while stopped it will prevent the project from going into verification mode and iv observed that projects paused usually do like that. So i'd like to use this option as I don't want to waste a "project slot" of the scheduler when a project is paused doing nothing, but at the same time I don't want to interfere with verifications over projects as I have AICS set to 1 day so too much delay on verification will make project miss on verification mails.



  • SvenSven
    well thats true, it will not really perform verification once paused and then stopped. However verification usually happens during submission as well and then just a few links are not verified.
    But yes, if you want to prefent this, you need to uncheck that option or better make sure to use different email accounts for each project that only they control.
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