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How to create verified list links targeting niche

Hi everyone I  I am trying to create verified list by niche, because I have several clients on the computer repairs industry, I wonder how can I build this list so I can use in similar projects


  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited July 2015
    @SEOManager You can save time by just buying a niche specific target list from a source like this :  you then create a gsa ser project and import that list into the project.
    In the project options you would need to uncheck use of Global site list, and uncheck all search engines.This will force GSA SER to only use the list you imported into the project.

    First time maybe run the project using NON money site links, maybe use all web 2.0 or social links that your client has.
    Let the project run as fast as possible for a week or until it has no more targets left to post to. Then export the project verified list and then create a new project, this time to the money site. Import the verified URLs from first project as target urls. As before In the project options you would need to uncheck use of Global site
    list, and uncheck all search engines.This will force GSA SER to only use
    the verified list you imported into the project...
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