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loosing ranks slowely!!!

on OCT 19 (the update) i ranked for a bunch of keywords ive been trying to rank for the past 2 months, from page POS 100 to page 1 now it seems like im loosing my ranks slowly, What can i do to stop this? Please!!


  • It's probably link decay. Look at Ahrefs to see how many links you're losing.
  • Keep building the links until google penalize you.
  • @dariobl seriously? To t1?? Or to all theirs?
  • Any more answers?
  • You've have to provide a URL for anybody to really give you any insight.

    Otherwise, we're all just pissing in the wind here tossing out guesses.
  • Tim89Tim89
    I'd suggest not posting your domain here.

    If you're losing your rankings gradually, then this is link loss, the only way to stop this is to either continue building links or to find more reliable link sources.
  • The update was on the 18th ;) 

    Test what works before running SER on your websites. Anchors, ratios, content, engines, tiers, blah blah, tonnes of more variations and get YOUR strategy down.

  • You should be looking for this. You can see where I stopped ranking the site :) #1 for a good 3 months though. @mda1125 don't ever ask someone for a domain/url lol...

  • edited November 2014
    @Nightly -
    I understand your reasoning but I'm going to leave it to the others to fire off ideas.

    And that Ahrefs screams.. I found aliens overnight!  OH wait... just kidding.
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